Bass Lake

Pentwater, MI

Local Information

Bass Lake is located in Mason and Oceana County and is part of Summit Township, Michigan.

Important Local Resources

Bass Lake Sailing Club

Summit Township - Mason County, MI

Bass Lake Improvement Board - Summit Township - Mason County, MI

Mason-Oceana 911: Mason-Oceana 911's is the dispatch center for 50 agencies in Mason and Oceana County.

Business Emergency Contact Information: used by 911 to store business owner or representative contact information (commonly called "keyholders") in 911's Computer Aided Dispatch system in the event Fire, Law, or EMS need access after hours. Use this form for key-holder information as well as document any special conditions or hazards responders need to be aware of.

Residence Special Information: used by 911 to input a residents' special conditions or special needs. Physical impairments, mental impairments, hearing impairment, and other descriptors can be submitted to 911 using this form. 911 inputs the information into it's Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system and when an incident is reported using the address submitted on the form, dispatchers can see what has been submitted for that residence.

Smart911: When you have an emergency and dial 911, Smart911 provides information to participating 911 centers throughout Michigan. Local 911 centers do not have access to your profile information unless you dial 911 from a phone with a registered profile.

CodeRED: To receive emergent information from public safety in your area, register your address with CodeRED.
Mason County residents
Oceana County residents

Address Number Signs

Oceana County- Muskegon County Citizen Corps or call 231-724-6597

Mason County- call Larry Crawford at 231-510-0881

Firewise USA: Tips for creating defensible space around your home

Burn Permits

Local Research Paper: Explores the challenges LADCs present for public safety

Maps: Mason-Oceana 911 uses ArcGIS in-house and also house a 36" wide-format printer. Contact Deputy Director Todd Myers (231-869-7911, for information on getting a large map of your community for free.